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food pyramid 【生態】食物金字塔。

food science

This traditional festival is best celebrated by getting together with our relatives and friend chatting with each other , sharing the delicious food in accordance with the principles of the healthy eating food pyramid , or sending a message to show our concern for those who live far away 借著這個溫馨的傳統節日,能與親友共聚賞月,談天說地,并按照健康飲食金字塔的原則來分享應節食品,或是跟遠在他鄉的親友問好,表示關懷,都是一件賞心樂事。

Eat according to the food pyramid and you will obtain the right amount of nutrients and calories to stay healthy and can prevent diseases that are related to eating such as high blood pressure , heart diseases , stroke , osteoporosis and cancer 均衡飲食是健康生活的基礎,只要能按飲食金字塔的比例來進食,便能從日常飲食中攝取均衡的營養,使身體健康,并能預防一些和飲食有關的疾病如高血壓、中風、骨質疏松癥、癌癥等。

With the release of the government ' s “ food pyramid “ in the early 1990s , it was official : the low - fat / high - carb diet was america ' s food plan 隨著90年代初政府公布的“食物金字塔“ ,官方的思想就是:低脂肪高碳水化合物的飲食結構就是美國的飲食計劃。

Downside long - term adherance . it ' s hard to stick to a diet that restricts such a big chunk of the food pyramid 缺點:不可長期堅持。拒絕碳水化合物等于拒絕了食物金子塔上的大部分食品~ ~ (考過雅思的同志們應該都記得那篇食物金字塔的閱讀) 。

The pamphlet provides information on the food pyramid , what constitutes a healthy lunchbox and some examples of healthy lunchboxes 這單張列載健康飲食金字塔和健康飯盒應有的成分,并列舉一些健康午餐飯盒的例子。

Camouflaging their splendid strips and colors in the jungles , swamps , bushes and caves , they reside on the top of the food pyramid 無論是叢林、沼澤、草叢或石洞都是它們出沒之所,穩坐在食物鏈的頂端。

Contains video segments , whose topics range from the explanation of the food pyramid to the migratory habits of cranes -含閱讀天地特色數據庫各部分介紹培訓活動。

To learn more about healthy diet and the food pyramid , please browse our website of the 相關資料想知道更多有關健康飲食和食物金字塔的資料,請瀏覽本署

To learn more about healthy diet and the food pyramid , please browse our website of the 想知道更多有關健康飲食和食物金字塔的資料,請瀏覽本署

In order to ensure a balanced diet , you should follow the food pyramid guidelines 故應依循健康飲食金字塔的指引來吃適當的食物和份量。

Food pyramid for adult 成人健康飲食金字塔

Food pyramid for senior 長者健康飲食金字塔

Healthy eating food pyramid 健康飲食金字塔

The food pyramid is a useful practical guide for attaining a balanced diet 食物金字塔為均衡飲食提供了實用的指引。

Healthy eating - food pyramid 健康飲食金字塔

3 - 6 years old food pyramid 3 - 6歲兒童健康飲食金字塔

1 - 3 years old food pyramid 1 - 3歲兒童健康飲食金字塔

6 - 12 years old food pyramid 6 - 12歲兒童健康飲食金字塔

Eat smart ! follow the food pyramid 有營有款健康午膳餐盒